
Thoughts on Gay Marriage

The California Supreme Court made their ruling on Gay Marriage the other day and Pissed a lot of people off. They also made some happy. The "Christian Right" of course didn't like this. And The Fuzz wasn't too happy with this business either.
The time is long passed when this was a "Christian Country" if it ever was in reality such a thing. And it is, I suppose, only fair that "Gay" couples should have the "Rights" to insurance benefits and other things enjoyed by heterosexual couples.
If that were all that was involved, it would be OK I suppose, and this could be provided by these "Civil Unions". But what is actually happening here, is a Redefinition of Marriage itself. Marriage is more complex than simply two (or more) buddies living together. There is a joining of opposites, that compliment each other, and form something more than the sum of the parts. And to call these relationships a Marriage cheapens the real thing.

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