
Cutting Out?

A guy told me yesterday that Bush is going to hide out in Paraguay after he leaves office. This stuff seems more unreal every day.


"Market Adjustments"

The "Free Market" guys said "The Market" would adjust itself. I think they were right. All those worthless "Securities" are in fact, worthless.
But now they don't like this and don't want to let "The Market" adjust. The should just let those guys go broke and put them in a Homeless Shelter like real people.


Stupid Economics

I'm obviously no Economist, nor is The Fuzz. It seems we always end up buying high and selling low. But I do know that there are people I won't "loan" money to. I might give it to them, but I've got better sense than to call it a "loan". It seems that the "experts" do things differently.
I saw a while back where one of those big banks hired a new guy and gave him $4,000,000 just to sign on. This was in addition to $1,000,000 of stock and I would assume his regular pay, what ever that is. Some of us would have to literally work for centuries to get that.
What The Fuzz wants to know is, if these guys are so smart, and worth so much to the bank, why am I and other taxpayers having to help them out? What do we want with a bunch of worthless loans? If they are no good to them, they're no good to us.
And now I hear that we are even going to buy bad debt from stupid foreign bankers. And all of this will be done with money that we don't have.
There seems to be a serious lack of reality to all this.



First it was the Soviet Union's turn. Now is it time for America's meltdown?


The End Justifies The Means?

I can't help but wonder what some of these people think. Why was this war (Iraq) pushed? With Afghanistan, we knew the Taliban were in sympathy with and protecting our enemies.
But regardless of all that, the deceit involved is what bothers me. When the Politicians think they have to lie to the people it is a bummer. Do they think they're so much smarter than the rest of us? But we need to remember that this is not confined to one party. Johnson did the same thing with Vietnam in that Gulf of Tomkin thing.
But one thing leads to another and we see this same attitude in those "Enhanced Interrogation" techniques.
And The Fuzz believes that this attitude of "The End Justifies the Means" is what will bring America down. We can already see it happening.


The Lipstick Issue

We thought there were some issues other than Lipstick. But if this is one of the Biggies, The Fuzz would like to go on record as opposing Lipstick. He says he does not like the way it tastes, and is against it!


Fun in Politics

Maybe with McCain-Palin things will still be fun. The Fuzz doesn't pay too much attention to what is said in these campaigns anyway. It's mostly Rhetoric saying what they think we want to hear.

It might be fun having a VP that shoots caribou in the snow. And why can't we have fun?


Oh Well.....

Oh well. I was kinda hoping for a McCain - Lieberman ticket. That would have been more fun. Sort of a Republicrat regime.