
Bang, You're Dead.

The only thing going on in Iraq any more, is killing. Kill kill kill. Blood blood blood. It doesn't matter who or why, just kill kill kill.

Jesus' Grave

I see where someone else has claimed to have found Jesus' grave. Of course this can't actually be "proved" any more than His resurrection can be "proved". No one can "prove" the existence of God, and no one can "disprove" this either. So yes, there is an element of Faith. I am amazed at the arrogance of those on both sides of the issue. How can anyone force anyone else to believe something, other than the fact that they can hurt them if they say the wrong thing.



I just want to make the point here, that any dissatisfaction or cynicism of mine with our government, does not reflect on our servicemen (or women). We have family in the service and I was once drafted myself. I sometimes wonder about people who refuse to serve, but love to bitch. They have earned our respect, and I give it.

Trusted ?

It's February. Sometime next year there will be a presidential election (if we're still here). Why is this stuff already started ? It would seem to be really hard for the Democrats to loose this one. But Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama are already fighting with each other over the money. There seems to be an assumption that the most money automatically wins. Are we really this stupid ? I have to wonder why these people want to be president so badly. I'm beginning to subscribe to the theory that anyone who wants the job, can't be trusted with it.



It was kinda foolish to think that America could dominate the world for long. It is only natural that someone would put together some sort of coalition, no matter how weird, to counter the US. No one likes being dictated to, not even Dictators. I think the saddest thing is that American credibility is pretty much destroyed. Oh, we're still very dangerous, but it was stupid to act as if we were invincible.

Just as a weird side note, America seems to play no role in the Biblical last days scenario.

It's a Gas

I see where the terrorists in Iraq are using poison gas now. Crude, but effective. Regardless of the way things are now, isn't poison gas a type of WMD ? Even if the nuclear thing has been discredited, we do know The Late Iraqi President did have this stuff, and had used it in the past. But nobody wants to hear any of this now, do they.
I kinda hope I'm wrong, but all I see is Iran dominating the region now. They know all they have to do is wait it out and we are out of there.


End Times ?

I confess. I do believe in God. And I believe He is ultimately in control. I know this seems incredible to a lot of people, but it's not my place to defend Him. I can not "prove" this of course, but neither can it be "proved" that I'm wrong. I do believe history is moving toward a culmination, and it involves the Middle East. Do I believe the world will end in 7 years from today ? I have no idea. That's not really my business is it. But it is interesting to see the possibilities here. Does this mean I wish destruction on all "infidels" ? Of course not. I do believe God will judge, but it will be by His own criteria, not mine, not any man's.


Supporting the Troops

How does "We don't want you there, you're wasting your time (and lives), and, we'll pull you out in 20 months, so try and stay alive" "support" our troops ?
This smells like Viet Nam all over again.


Always Meddlers

I'm a little skeptical of politicians in general. Some years back, the republicans got into power by promising less government. In this state, they proceeded to jump right in there making a bunch of laws about seat-belts, kids not riding in pick up trucks, and stuff like that. It seems like pretty soon we will need a permit to wipe our ass. It seems like anyone that gets into power takes it upon themselves to save us from ourselves and improve our lives weather we want it or not.



What's the deal with N. Korea ? They counterfeit our money and starve their own people so they can field a huge army and produce nuclear weapons. So now we will pay them a huge amount of money and goods, (that we are borrowing) so they will say they aren't making more bombs. Didn't they lie about this before ?


Iran ?

It makes sense that Iran would want to make trouble for us in Iraq. We're already in pretty deep. I can't help but wonder where all this talk about Iran is leading.

The Vultures

The Bush administration still has a couple years left, but the vultures are already circling. With everyone else talking about pulling out of the war, the insurgents know all they have to do is hold on.


Arab Politics

It's kinda interesting to watch how they do politics in the middle east. Assassinations, carbombs, kidnappings, torture, and gunfights, etc. I suppose this is all our fault somehow. But then, it's hard to feel sympathetic for someone who's big ambition in life is to drink my blood. It would probably make them sick anyway.


So Soon ?

Doesn't it seem a little premature to be starting the next presidential election already ? I guess I wanted a bit of a break after the mid-terms. Oh well, If you don't have a life, it gives you something to do. It is a bit entertaining to watch all these people trying to say something without saying the wrong thing. If you say the "wrong" thing all the others jump on you like flies on a turd. Shoot, I put the foot in my mouth all the time. I'm just glad I have a real job and I'm not in politcs.