

It seems the Iranians have gone back to holding hostages for their foreign policy. This seems to be the way they do things over there. The hostages are now appearing on international TV. The British are already in pretty deep in Iraq, but maybe Iran should remember the Argentineans.



"I would rather be right, than consistent".
W. Churchill

Out of Here

Now that Congress has essentially told the Islamists that they've won in Iraq, what happens next ? When we pull out it will be hell over there, but I guess you could say it already is. This is why Iran has copped an attitude, they know they're in the best position to pick up the pieces. This will also embolden Hamas and Hezbollah. There is no incentive for them to make peace. Have they ever made any concession to Israel ? Why should they start now. The US has the ability to vaporize them, but of course it won't. But what would happen if the shoe were on the other foot ?


Truth ?

It is my understanding that firing people for political reasons is not exactly a crime, just bad form.
So what does it mean that these guys can testify, only not under oath ? I can only guess that this means they can talk, but they can tell lies.


Sticky Words

I would have thought a "Tar Baby" was a mess that was hard to get out of. But then, I guess that is what it is in McCain's case. It's getting hard to say anything these days with out somebody getting on your case. But I guess that's a good way to avoid the actual issues.


"Free" Speech

Is it possible that there may actually be such a thing as an "immoral act" ? If there is, why should someone be required to "apologize" for their opinions on the matter ? Apparently we are only allowed "Free Speech" if it doesn't offend certain people.


You Win, We Lose

Isn't the setting of a date for withdrawal from Iraq the same thing as saying "You Win" ?

California Prime

I see where California is moving their primaries to Feb. I guess next some one will have them in Jan. Shoot, why not next month. This way we can get the election over a lot sooner.


The "F" Word

What's with all this Ann Coulter stuff ? I mean, the chick makes her living by saying outrageous things. The Right Wingers love it, and the Left Wingers hate it (and get off on it). So why take any of this seriously ? The election isn't 'till 2008 for cat's sake ! Does any one really think Edwards is a "faggot" ? Now we have the "N" word, the "F" word, and what ever else comes up next. Don't we have any real problems ? Give me a break.

Bad Bad Pizza Hut

Pizza Hut gives free pizza to kids who read books. Now some are blaming them for fat kids. Is pizza the devil now ? The problem isn't those little pizzas, it's when the kids don't get off their butts and do something. It looks like we would want kids to read, they might even learn something. I don't think tofu would be much motivation.