
Does this bother anyone but me?

Does this bother anyone besides me?

"John Edwards' Universal Health Care Plan Would Make Regular Checkups Mandatory

"TIPTON, Iowa - —  Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards said on Sunday that his universal health care proposal would require that Americans go to the doctor for preventive care.

""It requires that everybody be covered. It requires that everybody get preventive care," he told a crowd sitting in lawn chairs in front of the Cedar County Courthouse. "If you are going to be in the system, you can't choose not to go to the doctor for 20 years. You have to go in and be checked and make sure that you are OK." "

Fuzz says:
Unless I'm mistaken, it seems that this proposal would FORCE everyone to use the healthcare system regardless of their preferences or desires. While I realize some do not have "health care" because of a lack of funds, there are some who have no desire to use this system. Will the "Health Police" handcuff them and drag them to the doctor ?


BarbaraFromCalifornia said...

Your point is well taken.

Some people, especially those less educated and in a lower socioeconomic group do not go to the doctors at all. Consequently, they may not discover certain illneses or diseases which could have been prevented.

Maybe this is a good preventive measure!

Econo-Girl said...

It makes sense to me. After all, people need to take preventative care of themselves to reduce costs. Part of taking the universal health care deal is that you do your part in preventing serious illness.

It actually makes me happy to think of all those fat slobs forced to go to the doctor.