
Hairy Campaigning

Great campianing here, $800 hair doo. Do I really want this man in charge ?

1 comment:

Miss Contrary said...

I'm not commenting on this post but on your site in general.

You take a very narrow view of the world and should consider doing some research on the topics you discuss. This includes understanding why certain constitutional rights came to be in place and the history of the Middle East.

I don't want to sound harsh and I do respect your opinions but I would respect them much more if you really understood the history and reasons why many of these issues, in your posts, came to be.

This is more than one side to these stories and unless you know those other ones, you'll always be frustrated by why your side just can't have it the way you like it.

I mean you talk about freedom of speech and other great values but meanwhile you totally turn a blind eye to the rights and opinions of those people you don't understand.

You're like "How dare they not act and think like us?"