
The Make America Great Again Gaslighting

It seems somewhat ironic that the president who campaigned on "Make America Great Again" is presiding over America's further decline.  Because in spite of all the gaslighting, this is exactly what is happening.
I don't mean to imply that he has done this singlehandedly, but he has certainly been a major contributor.

America emerged from the second world war dominant on the world stage.  For one thing, it was the only major industrialized country that hadn't been bombed into rubble.
And to a large extent, she was the major contributor to the reconstruction and recovery of this devastated planet.  Mistakes were made of course, but a lot of good was accomplished.
When a new threat rose from the Soviet Communist Block, America helped to form a system of alliances to counter this.  And this was effective.

But with America's rise to prominence, came an arrogance.
America's strength in the post-war world never rested in herself alone, but in her alliances for the common good and defense.

This president has systematically antagonized our allies, weakening these alliances.
His "America First" rhetoric has alienated the rest of the world at the exact time when we need a united response to problems like the climate change that becomes more obvious with every passing year.

But as I already said, he is not solely responsible for American decline.  And this post is long enough already.
I hope to address more of these issues in the future, with even more,
Fuzzy Thinking.



Cult of Insanity

In my staying-at-home-mode-morning-online-wanderings, I came across this gem…

Do these people actually believe that ignoring this makes it go away?

This person also asks…

"Are you tiered of living in a dictatorship yet?"

Can these half-assed attempts to slow down a national pandemic possibly be compared to living in North Korea?

I don't get these people.  Do they actually believe that not knowing what is killing people means that it isn't Covid?

Covid is under control here, see - no covid deaths!

This idiocy goes all the way to the top with the idea that admitting we have Covid here make us look bad.

But that's what is important to some folks, who seem oblivious to to exactly how stupid this actually makes them look.

Just some more from this Cult of Insanity


I don't understand

I don't understand why investigating someone (who was not actually being "spied" on at the time) that was caught on tape with a foreign agent (who actually was the one under surveillance) and then admitted to lying under oath to cover it up, is now being considered such a travesty, and abuse of power.


Maybe Yes…

Haven't been away from the house for over a week now.  And I'll admit, that could make one just a little crazy.
But there doesn't seem to be an end in sight at this time.
I try to stay caught up on the news and all - although there are times I wonder just how good an idea that is.
Apparently it will be awhile until there is a vaccine or treatment for this plague.

But now, perhaps there is hope with a more unconventional treatment!

Now, I realize this idea has been widely disparaged.
But perhaps it should be reconsidered.
For one thing, it has been suggested by someone that has been heralded as a genius!
And then, it does kill germs.  It says so right on the bottle!

Being stuck here at the house forever has given me a lot of time to think this over, without any distractions.
And in a strange way, it does make sense if you think it through.
I mean, if it works on countertops, why not on people.
Or even in people.
Once the virus is inside a person, it's just a matter of getting the treatment in there too.
It's remarkably simple, so easy to understand.
It shouldn't have taken such a great genius to realize it.

Maybe some sort of inhaler to get it into the lungs.  That way we probably won't even need all those ventilators.
Maybe it'll work, maybe it won't.

But I think it could be very effective as a prevention.
A few CC's in a concentrated form, injected into an artery, could prevent one from even contracting the plague.
And maybe anything else as well!

As for myself, guess I'll just keep socially distancing for now, and hope for the best.



Electric vehicles for the US Postal Service

Electric vehicles for the US Postal Service would reduce noise, air, and carbon pollution in every community.

I can't help thinking this isn't a bad idea.  Seems to me like it is at least worth a look at.  If the USPS needs an upgrade anyway, why not do something that would be good for the economy and the environment at the same time?
Anyhow… it's worth a look.

"The boxy, whiny postal truck that is so familiar to Americans, with the driver on the right next to a loud sliding door, is called a Grumman Long Life Vehicle (LLV). As of 2018, the US Postal Service owns and operates 229,000 total vehicles, more than 141,000 of which are LLVs."

"They get about 10 miles per gallon, are too small for many modern e-commerce packages…"

"The LLVs’ lifespan was meant to be about 24 years; they average 28 years old, with many over 30. They are so old that the USPS often has difficulty finding mechanics who can work on them."

"In short, the USPS has a giant fleet of aging, energy-intensive, carbon-intensive, expensive-to-maintain vehicles that are long overdue for an upgrade."

"On a full life-cycle basis, electric vehicles are absolutely a better value.
An electric motor converts electricity into motion more efficiently (around 90-95 percent) than an internal combustion engine (ICE) converts gasoline or diesel (40-45 percent at the high end, much lower in average use)."

"Consequently, electricity is a cheaper vehicle fuel than gasoline or diesel. “On a national average,” says the Department of Energy, “it costs less than half as much to travel the same distance in an EV than a conventional vehicle.” A wholesale shift to electricity would save the USPS hundreds of millions of dollars in fuel costs a year."

Just something to think about



Guess I just can't stand it anymore.  Might as well just say what I've been thinking - minus the bad words.

It's hard to believe The things this man does.

When was the last time that a president personally signed your check from the IRS?  Or pretended to.  The checks "…will still be signed by an official with the Bureau of Fiscal Service"  This is not his money.  It was authorized by congress, which is their job.  But he wants you to think it came from him personally.

This is just one more example of his "L’état, c’est moi" philosophy.  And then there's this one…

"When somebody’s president of the United States, the authority is total." 

I believe one of the governors pointed out that we don't have a king.
(George Washington was actually offered this at one point and refused.  Bless him.)

Under this president, personal loyalty to himself, trumps loyalty to the constitution.  He feels personally free to use the influence of the office to promote himself, and his "brand".  The daily press briefings begin to resemble campaign rallies.

He is a salesman, and it shows.  I suppose most politicians are salesmen.  But this is so blatant it boggles the mind.

There is one thing that seems to escape him, and his cult followers.  Despite being legally elected under the constitution, he is in reality, a minority president.  He did loose the popular vote, no matter how hard he tries to deny it.  Maybe he should remember this. 



The Blame Game: What is the point?

With things as they are these days with this COVID-19 and all, I've been mostly staying home.  Did have to go over to the bank for some business though. Traffic is down quite a bit around here.  The grocery store is pretty picked over.  Fortunately there is still plenty of toilet paper* at the house.
No confirmed cases in this county yet, but that will change soon enough I'm sure.
I'm not particularly afraid of catching this stuff, even if being over 60.  I think anyone who expects not to be exposed eventually, is deluding themselves.
However, this does not justify a cavalier attitude at all.   Something like this was bound to happen sooner or later.   We do what we can, after that, it's not really in our control - is it?

However it really does show how much we are connected to each other, even internationally.  One would think that Climate Change would have already done this, but Politics…

The US and China are probably the two biggest international players these days.  It is a bit disheartening to see them blaming each other for this pandemic.  We might never know exactly how it started.  Viruses mutate, apparently.

But…Why do we even need someone to blame?

Maybe Mother Nature is trying to slap some sense into us.


*And on the subject of Toilet Paper…